Hiring with Teamified is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

The recruitment process can be a rollercoaster of a ride. Even if you have a great role, at the best company, the process is fraught with issues like attracting the right talent, interviewing, engaging the right people, making an offer and keeping everyone up-to-date on the process. Phew - we’re exhausted just remembering what it was like before Teamified.

This is one of the key reasons why Teamified exists - to enable the hire of great people to scale great companies. And, it’s never been easier to recruit global teams. Let’s do it in three easy steps.

1. Input your recruitment requirements:

In the Hire dashboard, you’ll have a complete overview of where the recruitment progress is for all of your company’s open roles. You’ll know:

  • how many people have applied
  • interviewer’s comments and whether they’ve been rejected or accepted into the next round
  • whether an offer has been made and accepted

You have the ability to filter based on job request type:

  • Open and raised
  • Completed
  • Cancelled

Let’s create your job description:

  • Select the New Request button. You’ll be taken to a template in which you’ll need to complete the relevant information for the role.
  • Select the AI Generated Job Description button. A pop-up will show you three options for the job description. Read through and select the one that best suits your company. You can edit and customise as you see fit. When you’re happy with the description you’ve chosen, select the Generate button and then Save.

Once you’re happy with the content and stages, select the Save button. You’ll be taken back to the dashboard where you’ll see your job request status as ‘Request raised’. Once the job role has been approved and is open for recruitment, the status will change to ‘Request is live’.

2. The recruitment process:

Now that your role is live, Teamified’s pool of skilled talent will have the ability to apply for the role. You will start to see applications coming through on the Hire dashboard. Simply click into the role, and select the second tab Candidates. This provides an overview on the number of applications, and the amount of people at each stage of the process.

As you see the applications come through, you can read the resumes and comment on the applicant to let colleagues know your thoughts. You can accept the applicant into the next stage of recruitment or decline them.

3. The offer:

You’ve found the best person for your team - awesome! Let them know by moving them to the ‘Offer’ stage. From here, we’ll get them onboarded quickly. This next process is customised by company, or according to the local laws in the country the employee is located. Stay tuned for our post outlining the onboarding process.