Attract and retain the right employees with benefits

Boost employee morale and attract top-tier people with competitive benefits

Teamified has a culture score of 93

Arnab Ghoshal

Working at Teamified has been an incredibly rewarding experience. One of the standout aspects is the company culture. Investing in employee development and promoting work-life balance makes it an exceptional place to work.

Siona Barreto

From the moment I joined, I felt a strong sense of belonging among my colleagues. Teamified promotes an open and inclusive environment where ideas are valued, and everyone's contributions are appreciated.

Ritvik Awasthi

At Teamified, I have been given the freedom to take ownership and run with initiatives.

Boost employee satisfaction

Happy team members increase productivity. Boost your employees’ happiness by offering benefits that outweigh the competitors, including:

Paid parental leave

Health insurance

Employee assistance programs

Time in lieu

Professional development

Local and global benefits

Attract top talent

We’re familiar with each country’s unique set of benefit requirements. We work with you to offer attractive benefits suitable to the employee’s local employment laws. This enhances employee satisfaction, ensuring they feel valued and secure.

Benefits to suit your business

Enhance brand awareness

Creating a company merchandise pack ensures your team feels valued and is a way of proudly displaying where they work. It can also boost your brand awareness and reputation - everyone wins.

Rewarding staff and businesses

Why offer competitive benefits?

Attract top talent

Develop employee

Boost engagement and productivity

Advance company appeal by offering global benefits

Comply with local laws

Foster employee wellbeing

Working with Teamified

Teamified was built to solve the problems around working with offshore teams. We integrate with our partners to develop the best team for a scalable business. Our commitment to our people means we’re on the journey with you every step of the way - we’re a part of your team.