The rise of India as the country with the widest pool of developers in India.

With the rise of technologies like IoT and AI, Indian software engineers are expanding their skill set and steeply growing in numbers. Presently India is second in the world in terms of talent pool of software engineers i.e. ahead of leading countries like Australia, Canada, UK, etc. It is expected that by 2023, India will surpass USA to become home to the most developers in the world with an estimated count of 5.2Mn. 

The abundance of resources facilitates having flexibility to choose the right candidate for the job. This in return ensures elevated levels of productivity and a highly motivated workforce. 


Customer support is key for success of any business

An offshore team ensures that additional hours are added to customer support services. This is facilitated by the existing time-zone difference between the company and offshore team. The difference in time-zone while presents itself as a barrier for communication, once overcome can lead to developing excellent customer service mechanisms. 

Added customer service hours can help enhance customer retention and elevate customer loyalty for businesses. Many challenges faced by the customers can be solved even before the start of a working day for the company by an active offshore team


New people. New possibilities.

Similar to the new learnings on every trip exploring new destinations, working with an offshore team has great learning possibilities. Every organisation has its own set of technology and methodologies to ensure optimum performance of their employees. This can lead to a parent company picking-up and imbibing a process, technology or methodology from their offshore team into the parent wing.

Similar to technological integration, working with different organisational as well as national cultures holds abundant knowledge and soft-skill transfer possibilities that can assist the parent company enrich the internal culture and cultivate a better working environment for their employees.


Cost benefits of having an offshore team

The most commonly known benefit of hiring an offshore team is the mitigation of over-head costs that come along with on-boarding a full-time in-house team. Imagine the comforts of not employing and still having a full-time team dedicated to your goals and aligned with your vision!  

In addition to reduced employment over-head costs, the hourly cost of software engineers in the popular offshore team locations is much lower to that in countries like USA, UK and Australia. So, if you’re a start-up and looking to minimise business risks or a multinational company looking to your scale business, offshore teams can help you achieve your short to long term business goals.  


Benefits of having a scalable team

Offshore teams enable seamless business scalability. The ease of access to quickly expand team with new business coming in or curbing the team-size without laying off employees, when the curve slopes downwards is facilitated by offshore teams. 

The scalable nature of the teams with dedicated skilled professionals taking care of the deliverables allows businesses to work with a low risk – high reward model. The professionalism and servitude displayed by the offshore teams to adjust with the business scaling lays foundation for long term business relations. 


Focused and skilled taskforce at disposal from the start

Clear communication of vision and desired results can lead to the offshore teams delivering results instantaneously. The time and effort spent in enhancing the skillset of the in-house team can often lead to missing the opportunity altogether. Hence, onboarding a specialised talent on an offshore team can be a smarter decision.  

This leads to fast-tracking the efforts towards the desired results. The high skill and dedicated efforts of the offshore teams ensure that the desired performance is met with from the very start.  

To extract the best results from your offshore teams, read our blog on tips to successfully manage remote teams.


Retain focus on core capabilities

If the existing team’s core strength lies in developing kickass software solutions, then the companies should get offshore teams to take care of maintenance and testing of the same. This allows businesses to focus on their key areas with a specialised workforce working internally as well as externally for key deliverables. 

While the offshore team takes care of daily operations for the products created, the core team can focus on creating the next big thing or channel efforts towards marketing, expansion, sales etc. 


Teamified works as an extension of your team wherein our top talents understand and align with the vision and passion of the customers. The earnest working of our employees has ensured that we continue to deliver without hindrances as we continue to work remotely in 2021. 

Teamified aligns and builds a team tailored to requirements of our customers. The approach taken towards building a fast, flexible and responsive team is based on proven process driven methodologies. If you are looking to hire an offshore team to take care of your software/app development, maintenance, quality assurance or business analytics, do check out our capabilities and contact us with your requirements.